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Risk & Return - Tied at the Hip Thumbnail

Risk & Return - Tied at the Hip

Every investor wants to pursue the highest possible return with the lowest level of risk or fluctuation. What most people don't understand is that over the long run, risk and return are tied at the hip - if you want to earn higher returns, you need to be prepared to accept more short term fluctuation in your investments.

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Are All Stocks Expensive Right Now? Thumbnail

Are All Stocks Expensive Right Now?

In this video I talk about the relative prices of growth stocks and value stocks through time. I demonstrate that value stocks are historically cheap right now. This may provide an opportunity for investors to diversify into an asset class that has the potential for higher returns going forward.

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Playing Catch Up on Retirement Savings Thumbnail

Playing Catch Up on Retirement Savings

Do you feel like you're behind on your retirement savings? If so, you are in good company. 32% of Canadians aged 45-64 have $0 saved up for retirement. 53% of Canadians don't know if they are saving enough. In this short video, I offer some positive steps that you can take if you feel like you are behind on your retirement savings.

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