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Services & Fees

 Financial Planning 

  Helping you map out your financial life - a road map to get there, and a guide to help you stay on track.  The primary goal that I help clients work towards is retirement planning - making sure that you have enough income in retirement so that you can stay comfortably retired. 

 Investment Management

  Evidence-based investment solutions tailored to your plan in a cost-effective and tax-efficient way.  Most Canadian investors pay more in investment fees than they need to, and their investment portfolios are not as diversified as they should be.  I help clients build long-term investment portfolios that aim to solve these issues.

 My services and expertise are ideal for people who have the following questions

  • How suitable are my investments?  Can I reduce fees or find ways to improve my portfolio for the long-run?
  • How much do I need to have saved up to retire comfortably, and stay comfortably retired?
  • How much should I be saving on a regular basis, and where should I be saving it (RRSP, TFSA, other)?
  • How do I manage my debt effectively while saving for my other long-term goals?
  • How to I make sure I am not overpaying in taxes, both today and in the long term?
  • How do I build an estate plan that will allow me to take care of my loved ones in case something happens to me?
  • How do I incorporate concentrated business wealth or employee stock holdings into my personal financial plan?
  • How do I best utilize other sources of income like Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) in retirement?
  • Can I afford my 'bucket list' items and what is the ideal way to fund these in retirement?
  • How do I prepare myself for unexpected or 'one-off' expenses?
  • Can I eliminate or reduce the risk that my plan gets thrown off track by sickness or a death in my family?


Investment Management Fees

Assets Managed by Walhout Financial  Annual Fee (% of assets managed)
$1 - $500,000 1.00%
$500,001 - $1,000,000 0.75%
$1,000,001 - $2,000,000 0.50%
Amounts over $2,000,0000.35%
Fees include all financial advice services and management of investments on an ongoing basis.  HST is added to Investment Management Fees.

Fees are calculated on a tiered basis.  For example, if a family has $600,000 invested with Walhout Financial, their annual fee is calculated as 1% times $500,000, plus 0.75% times $100,000.   The fee is $5,750 for that year plus HST.   The fee is calculated monthly and varies with the value of your account.  Cost of investment products is additional.  

I use portfolios from Dimensional Fund Advisors that cost between 0.3% - 0.45% per year.

Accounts managed by Walhout Financial are held at Investia Financial Services Inc.  Click here for more information about Investia.

If this sounds like a fit for you, let's get get started:
