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Avoiding Investment Schemes When Approaching Retirement with Markus Muhs, CFP®, CIM® Thumbnail

Avoiding Investment Schemes When Approaching Retirement with Markus Muhs, CFP®, CIM®

I invited Markus on the channel today to have a conversation with me about it. We talked about why people in their 50’s and 60’s are susceptible to falling for investment fads and schemes, stories from his nearly 2 decades working with Canadian retail investors, different types of risky investments that can draw people in, and Markus shares some words of wisdom that may help you avoid being pulled into a risky investment scheme.

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Retirees Can Use THIS TOOL To Help Them Through Scary Markets Thumbnail

Retirees Can Use THIS TOOL To Help Them Through Scary Markets

Many investors understand that they can expect volatility in their investment portfolios. But, when the storm clouds gather and they experience temporary declines in their account balances, they are prone to panic. For many investors, the risk of making an emotion decision at time of market stress can make the difference between their retirement success or failure. In this video I am going to walk you through a simple tool that you can use to help keep you on track when markets are volatile.

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Introducing Annuities to a Retirement Plan Thumbnail

Introducing Annuities to a Retirement Plan

By far, the biggest worry that retirees have is running out of money in retirement. But what if I told you that there is a financial product out there that is structured to pay you guaranteed income throughout your retirement, regardless of how long you live? In this video I am going to talk about the role of annuities in a retirement income plan. I will demonstrate how a hypothetical retiree couple can introduce an income annuity into their retirement plan, boost their guaranteed retirement income, and reduce their stress of running out of money in retirement.

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Setting Investment Return Assumptions for Retirement Thumbnail

Setting Investment Return Assumptions for Retirement

What types of returns should we assume for our retirement projections? This is a question that has come across my desk a few times over the past several weeks. Making reasonable assumptions about what our investment performance could be in the future is a critically important part of good financial planning. If we assume too little, it may cause us to pursue investments that aren’t suitable for our plan. If we assume too much, it could cause us to over-spend and potentially run out of money down the road.

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Should You Use RRSP or TFSA When You Are Close to Retirement? Thumbnail

Should You Use RRSP or TFSA When You Are Close to Retirement?

As you approach retirement, should you be putting money into your TFSA or into your RRSP? Many people preparing for retirement consider this question. The short answer is: it depends. In this video I am going to describe the TFSA and RRSP accounts and walk through different scenarios that compare the two accounts side by side, and at the end of the video I am going to give you some key takeaways as you consider this question for your own retirement savings.

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How Strategic Investment Withdrawals Can Save You Thousands In Retirement Thumbnail

How Strategic Investment Withdrawals Can Save You Thousands In Retirement

Are you nearing retirement and concerned about how much of your hard-earned savings will go towards taxes? The bad news is that you will almost certainly be paying income taxes throughout your retirement. In fact, it may be one of your largest household bills. The great news is that, with a bit of smart planning, you can manage that tax bill downward based on how and when you make withdrawals from your retirement accounts. In this video, I am going to walk you through an example of how you can strategically time the withdrawals from your investment accounts to lower your tax bill.

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