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Financial Advice for Young Adults Thumbnail

Financial Advice for Young Adults

Here are 4 principals for young people.  I think that the majority of people will find financial success if they can follow these principals consistently throughout their lifetimes.  For more reading on this topic, here are 3 books that I highly recommend:

Everything You Need to Know About Saving For Retirement by Ben Carlson - https://www.amazon.ca/Everything-Need-About-Saving-Retirement/dp/B08NWJPLDD/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2Q1A0T6U1FYMG&keywords=Ben+Carlson+Book&qid=1648498211&sprefix=ben+carson+book%2Caps%2C68&sr=8-4

If You Can by William Bernstein - https://www.amazon.ca/If-You-Can-Millennials-Slowly-ebook/dp/B00JCC5JKI

The Wisest Investment by Robin Taub - https://www.amazon.ca/Wisest-Investment-Responsible-Independent-Money-Smart-ebook/dp/B08ZL6J53Y/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CHTT2SVYJ37D&keywords=the+wisest+investment&qid=1648498341&s=digital-text&sprefix=the+wisest+investment%2Cdigital-text%2C76&sr=1-1