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Meet Mark

Mark’s Story

I am the lead advisor and owner of Walhout Financial and I provide all technical expertise and planning services to clients. I think one of my greatest abilities is translating financial planning to clients in a way that they can understand it.  In other words, you can actually understand the answers I give to your questions!

When my dad, who built Walhout Financial from scratch, was ready to retire, he approached me about taking over his business.  My desire to work in a profession where I could have a meaningful impact on people's lives made the opportunity irresistible. 

The families I work with value straightforward solutions.  They are looking for guidance so they can live out their dreams with peace of mind and confidence.  I look forward to working with you.

What I Do for Fun

Having fun at the Blue Jays game.

My spare time is dedicated to my family.  My wife Sarah and I have 2 kids - Luke and Zoey.  We love to travel and do a lot of family activities together, whether we’re going on a big adventure to Europe, walking the local trails in Aurora, or spending the day at the local splash pad.  We are also big fans of Toronto sports teams - the Toronto Blue Jays in particular.

My Credentials

I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER ® Professional (CFP).  I hold an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, ON.  

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